Photo Manipulation
3. Now, I add an adjustment layer using: Hue: 184 Saturation: 17 Lightness: 0. And that’s my “Layer 3”
4. The “Layer 4” is just a simply layer filled with blue #030830 and in “Exclusion” mode…
5. I click again in the and choose Brightness/Contrast layer: Brightness: 0 and Contrast: +15 And you can see the result: The “Layer 5” is ready to rock!
6. In the next step I’ve add some color to all the mix… I duplicate from the layer 1, and add a Layer Mask and use a gradient from left to right… That’s the “Layer 6”
7. And here comes a nice detail, check it out: I select and copy the Layer 1, and paste it into a new Alpha layer… Then I hit Filter > Pixelate > Color Halftone… With a Max. radious of 10 pixels. I copy and paste it into a new Layer in Overlay mode at 100%. Finally, I’ve made a Mask (again) and use the radial gradient tool Here is the “Layer 7” face:
8. And now: Magic!! I’ve a copy of a dark gray surface with a lot o’ scratches… I duplicate this image into my document, and play a little with the Brightness and Contrast… And of course, I add (another one) Mask to this layer… I don’t want to touch the face, not so much. The “Layer 8” is born!